Why you need to see Es Vedrà?

Es Vedrà is one of the island’s most remarkable sights. The view of Es Vedrà from Ibiza is one of the most well-known in the whole island (if you’re looking for another unmissable visit, stop by Ibiza’s Stonehenge). Summer upon summer, visitors throng to the little sandy beach of Cala d´Hort and its surroundings, in the municipality of Sant Josep de sa Talaia (in the southwest). Look on the great, pyramid-like structure of Es Vedrà at sunset, towering over its smaller sister, Es Vedranell and you’ll feel part of a truly magical atmosphere. After all, many myths and legends still revolve around the islets today.

From a purely practical point of view, what can you do in Es Vedrà? On the islet itself, not much. It is a protected natural area which requires you to get a special permit to anchor a boat in the waters around it, or even to swim in the area. Where to see Es Vedrà best is from the Ibizan coast, at the several spots on dry land that give you a perfect view of the islet. Below, we tell you how to get to these makeshift viewpoints and unveil some of the secrets of this mysterious little island.

The history of Es Vedrà in Ibiza

The island of Es Vedrà in Ibiza continues to be a source of inspiration for all kinds of artists, the undisputed star of countless visitors’ photo collections and a centre for research into Mediterranean flora and fauna. Precisely because of its beauty and biological diversity, the rock formation has been classed a Marine-Terrestrial Nature Reserve, together with Es Vedranell and the Poniente islets.

Despite this status, Es Vedrà is a privately-owned island. A group of families from Sant Josep hold the property rights to the land, although they aren’t allowed to exploit it economically.

The goats were the only source of profit they obtained from the 382-metre-high rocky outcrop until the Balearic regional government decided to remove them. The reason? They endangered the native flora and the delicate ecosystem of the Ibizan reserve.

The magnetic appeal of Es Vedrà from Ibiza’s nearby viewpoints and the numerous myths spread by onlookers over the years (such as sightings of UFOs and strange beings) have served to build and reinforce an aura of mystery around this beguiling natural park.

How to get to Es Vedrà’s best viewpoints:

Where’s best to see Es Vedrà? can admire Es Vedrà from these three lookout points on dry land or from other, less conventional, points of view:

  • At sea level, from Cala d’Hort. One of the most well-known and oft-photographed images of Es Vedrà is that you can see from the Mediterranean shore, at the popular Cala d’Hort. It is a narrow, peaceful stretch of sand, although more people are visiting each year to enjoy a day on the beach under the watchful gaze of Es Vedrà. To get the best photos and a real sense of the magical atmosphere created by the islet, we recommend visiting at first light or waiting until dusk: Es Vedrà’s sunsets are quite something.
  • How to get there. To get to Cala d’Hort from Sant Josep, you can either take the road to Es Cubells (there is a turning before reaching the village) or follow the route to Sant Antoni, taking the turn-off to the calas.

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  • At the foot of Torre des Savinar (Es Savinar watchtower). This historical vantage point provides the best views of Es Vedrà in Ibiza.How to get there.Before you get to Cala d’Hort, on the road downhill from Es Cubells to the beach, a signpost points the way to Torre des Savinar, also known as the Pirate’s Tower or Cap des Jueu (‘Head of the Jew’) Tower.
  • You’ll need to park your car before the private path begins and start walking, taking the path on the right. After about half an hour, you’ll reach the cliff at the foot of the watchtower, looking down onto a rocky cove known as Atlantis (Sa Pedrera de Cala d’Hort).
  • Recommendations: The route to this second viewpoint is a dirt footpath which is occasionally very steep. So make sure you wear comfortable shoes, breathable clothing and sun cream, and take water with you.
  • From Torre des Savinar. From the second Es Vedrà viewpoint, you can go straight to the third: the watchtower itself. It is currently under private ownership and, to go inside, there is an entrance fee of three euros. But in the area around it, you can enjoy what is known as one the most beautiful spots in the whole of Ibiza.
  • Interesting facts: This is the lookout point to visit for the best, most captivating views of Es Vedrà. But if you come on a day with clear skies, it’s possible to see far beyond the islet. Some visitors say they’ve been able to make out the Valencian Coast.
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